The Basic Concepts of Refrigeration

BUCUN BENGKEL :  The refrigeration cycle uses the following parts/components :

Receive (gas suction) from accumulator and compress it to make high pressure and high temperature gas for the condenser.
Release heat from high pressure and high temperature refrigerant into the atmosphere, to liquid refrigerant.
3. Capillarity tube or expansion valve
Supply sufficient amount of liquid refrigerant to evaporator. Reduce pressure to vaporize liquid for evaporator.
4.  Liquid side piping
Liquid refrigerant flows from capillarity tube to evaporator through copper pipe.

Diagram of the refrigeration cycle (cooling operation)

Absorb heat from the room through vaporizing process of refrigerant.
6. Gas side piping
Refrigerant gas flows from evaporator to accumulator through copper pipe.
7. Accumulator
Separate refrigerant gas from liquid. (Accumulate liquid refrigerant to vaporize it from compression process).

Source : Panasonic

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